Sunday 17 November 2013

After so fortunately randomly walking past a window of a small gallery in London - The Ronchini Gallery, i noticed a lovely hanging wire sculpture in the window. So inside i went to investigate and it was a wire portrait by an artist called Alexander Calder, whom i had never heard of before. Yet i was absolutely drawn to it. It was like a drawing in space, so animated and fluid! As it looked similar to my rough linear drawings, i was then inspired to recreate my initial light bulb drawings. 
Interestingly, the shadows casted then replicated a similar image to my original drawings, so i liked the the mix of the two together when you look at these photos. 

Bright Idea

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Train Doodles

I have set myself a task to simply try and doodle as much as I can everyday, things I do not even instantly find aesthetically pleasing, just do it. Let your hand and pen take over, dont even think about it, dont look down at the paper, dont rub out (use a pen!) and just scribble away. This is exactly what I did here in these drawings when I was sat on the train.  
At first you may look at your drawings and think 'wow, what a load of crap I have just drawn', and sometimes that is the case, but in some occasions you have drawn something that presents you with a whole new visual idea, it helps you see things in a different way, helps you draw in a different way... 

Another recording process; taking photos. I have taken an interest, or more so realised an occurring theme in my recordings, in electrical things, from lightbulbs to electricity pylons and now telephone poles. 
I say, 'taken an interest in electrical things', but then when I look at my drawings and photos I begin to notice it is more the wires and cords that I find aesthetically intriguing. The linear effect. 

Inspire to be inspired

'Record the place you live, your room, your friends, your view'. I recorded my view, which was simply a man on the phone outside of my window.