Saturday 16 August 2014

Thinking big

Work in progress.
This ones going to be big! I am using a mixture of pencils and charcoal - thinking of adding colour and a variety of different contrasting tonal effects. 

sketch bookin' ideas
pencil, charcoal and watercolour (A4 sketchbook). 

London inspo

One of my favourite places for inspiration - Brick Lane in London. The place is filled with a brilliantly vibrant and unique array of graffiti, providing constant inspiration and ideas. So beautiful. And amazing to witness the ever changing layout of graffiti. 

Experimenting with colour and contrasting media. 


Work in progress - pencil and charcoal, A3 paper. 

Friday 1 August 2014

Character map.

'A face is much more than a set of features; it is a fascinating character map.' 

A miniature portrait sketch. I took photos at various stages throughout the drawing and preferred this one. The picture is unfinished. However, the face is there; there is character there. And sometimes i feel like once and if you have captured that, there need be no more. 

Hello again, finally.

Very long time since my last blog - I some what abandoned my blog for a while, however  I am back now. After completing the first year of my degree I took some time out of art for a for weeks or so to give myself a break… well mainly refresh my mind a bit and sort out my life! I felt as if during my first year I struggled quite alot with deciding where I stand in the art world. I have realised now I was trying too hard to find something new and different I was good at i.e. attempting wire sculptures and jewellery making - which, dont get me wrong, I am thoroughly glad I explored those routes, however I was avoiding what I am best at. Sooooo.. I got my sketchbook, I bought some new pencils and I began!

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Stag Sketch

This is my own drawing/quick sketch of a stag. I just wanted to draw a stag for so long, but never got round to it, and now after handing in my current uni assessment i found the time to do it! It did literally take me about 20 minutes! But i quite like the rushed look - it not being precise and particularly in proportion, it makes it unique. 
Lots of family and friends loved it and said they would love to buy a drawing like this so i think i will start to create more and look at selling them on Etsy or something!

Thursday 9 January 2014

Simplicity is nice.

This was a simple stick study for my work up to my wire trees. I actually quite like the simplicity of it, and the layout - bare minimal, as silly as 'stick study' sounds! 

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Wire tree number 2

 This is my second wire tree i have created. I didn't want them to be exactly the same, so went for a slightly different shape then my previous attempt. 
I think i will look at making a tryptic...

Today I….

.. Sat in a park and drew trees. 

Monday 6 January 2014

Getting jewellery crafty!

Some more jewellery i made! I got a beginners jewellery making kit for christmas which had lots of lovely stones and beads in - perfect for making more of my rings. This time i used a thinner wire which worked a lot better - gripping the stone more, and also allowed me to create a little stand (don't know what to call it?!) for the stone, giving it a slight rise off the ring so it stands out more. 

Jewellery making…

This has been something i have wanted to do for so long! When looking around the Pitts Rivers Museum in Oxford i came across the gift shop and found some beautiful stones there - so i bought a couple, after having a brief image in mind of a beautiful ring it could make. 
I knew i wanted to use wire as part of the ring, as not only did i think it could work well but also fitted in nicely with my current uni project… So the only thing to do next was make it! And i love it! I found some metal in one of the art rooms which i cut to make the actual ring (very very rough and first attempt!! - not in any state to sell haha!), and then some of the wire left over i had from my sculptures i weaved around the stone and attached to the ring. I will continue experimenting to get better, but hopefully will be something successful! 

Friday 3 January 2014

Quick snap of some loose wire. Thought it might make quite an interesting mono print… 

Wire Tree

As planned, I created my wire tree. I combined a mixture of 2 wires, a thicker one to create the trunk and main branches, then a thinner wire to intertwine all around the tree making sticks. 
I had seen many wire artists who attach their sculptures to blocks of wood, such as Gavin Worth, and i liked that idea. Fortunately we are having lots of work done to our house at the moment, so infact have a tip full of bits of wood outside my house! 
I think the simplicity of it is quite, pleasant. Yet when you look closer you can see the delicate and fiddley process of the sculptures construction.