Monday 6 January 2014

Jewellery making…

This has been something i have wanted to do for so long! When looking around the Pitts Rivers Museum in Oxford i came across the gift shop and found some beautiful stones there - so i bought a couple, after having a brief image in mind of a beautiful ring it could make. 
I knew i wanted to use wire as part of the ring, as not only did i think it could work well but also fitted in nicely with my current uni project… So the only thing to do next was make it! And i love it! I found some metal in one of the art rooms which i cut to make the actual ring (very very rough and first attempt!! - not in any state to sell haha!), and then some of the wire left over i had from my sculptures i weaved around the stone and attached to the ring. I will continue experimenting to get better, but hopefully will be something successful! 

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