Wednesday 22 January 2014

Stag Sketch

This is my own drawing/quick sketch of a stag. I just wanted to draw a stag for so long, but never got round to it, and now after handing in my current uni assessment i found the time to do it! It did literally take me about 20 minutes! But i quite like the rushed look - it not being precise and particularly in proportion, it makes it unique. 
Lots of family and friends loved it and said they would love to buy a drawing like this so i think i will start to create more and look at selling them on Etsy or something!

Thursday 9 January 2014

Simplicity is nice.

This was a simple stick study for my work up to my wire trees. I actually quite like the simplicity of it, and the layout - bare minimal, as silly as 'stick study' sounds! 

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Wire tree number 2

 This is my second wire tree i have created. I didn't want them to be exactly the same, so went for a slightly different shape then my previous attempt. 
I think i will look at making a tryptic...

Today I….

.. Sat in a park and drew trees. 

Monday 6 January 2014

Getting jewellery crafty!

Some more jewellery i made! I got a beginners jewellery making kit for christmas which had lots of lovely stones and beads in - perfect for making more of my rings. This time i used a thinner wire which worked a lot better - gripping the stone more, and also allowed me to create a little stand (don't know what to call it?!) for the stone, giving it a slight rise off the ring so it stands out more. 

Jewellery making…

This has been something i have wanted to do for so long! When looking around the Pitts Rivers Museum in Oxford i came across the gift shop and found some beautiful stones there - so i bought a couple, after having a brief image in mind of a beautiful ring it could make. 
I knew i wanted to use wire as part of the ring, as not only did i think it could work well but also fitted in nicely with my current uni project… So the only thing to do next was make it! And i love it! I found some metal in one of the art rooms which i cut to make the actual ring (very very rough and first attempt!! - not in any state to sell haha!), and then some of the wire left over i had from my sculptures i weaved around the stone and attached to the ring. I will continue experimenting to get better, but hopefully will be something successful! 

Friday 3 January 2014

Quick snap of some loose wire. Thought it might make quite an interesting mono print… 

Wire Tree

As planned, I created my wire tree. I combined a mixture of 2 wires, a thicker one to create the trunk and main branches, then a thinner wire to intertwine all around the tree making sticks. 
I had seen many wire artists who attach their sculptures to blocks of wood, such as Gavin Worth, and i liked that idea. Fortunately we are having lots of work done to our house at the moment, so infact have a tip full of bits of wood outside my house! 
I think the simplicity of it is quite, pleasant. Yet when you look closer you can see the delicate and fiddley process of the sculptures construction.